Friday, 13 November 2009

Bits and Bobs

Some bands I purchased today which I thought I should let you all know about. First off we have the 'Southern Cross Ripper' EP from Aussie thrashers, Trench Hell. Sharing members with fellow trash outfits 'Gospel of the Horns' and 'Shackles' the bar is set rather high, but this certainly matches both these bands in terms of quality. They infuse the blistering solo's and feral attitude of Destroyer 666 with the savage bark of Tom G. Warrior. Definately pick this up from Hells Headbangers.
Next up is 'Et In Saecula Saeculorum' oddball american black Metaller's 'Negative Plane'. On first glance, you notice every song is pretty lengthy, averaging the eight minute mark. The music itself is similar to that of the hungarian Tormentor, but it's very hard to draw comparisons here with anyone, as the music is very original, which is something distinctly lacking in modern black metal. The vocals swagger all over the place, a pompous snarl, while you are being bombarded by a barrage of heavy, catchy riffs. The songs are well structured, there is always lot going on, and before one part can get tired, the song morphs into another form. Highly reccomended.
Lastly we have 'Dead as Dreams' from USBM band Weakling. Although it came out a while ago now and is widely regarded as a classic by some, I can only stress this even more. 'Progressive Sucidal Black Metal' is the best term I can describe it as, although I abhor the DSBM tag. The atmosphere is suffocating and absolutely terrifying. If you want something that will reduce you to a quivering wreck then this is probably for you. Fuck Krallice, these guys are miles better.

Trench hell
Negative Plane

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