Genre - Black Metal
1. The Sun that Bled
2. And Then Came the Pestilence
3. The Ritual
4. When All is Still, There is Nothing
5. Darkness Enshrouds
6. The End
Hailing from the US,
Manetheren come as a completely new discovery to me, even though
they've actually been grinding away since 2004 now, and currently
onto their fifth album. The name actually intrigued me a bit, with
the 'Wheel of Time' reference but rather than being based around
sci-fi fantasy it appears the aptly titled 'The End' is a concept
album based around the end of the world.
The style of black
metal on show here is a sprawling, hypnotic and dissonant dirge of
atmospheric black somewhat comparable to the sound and structure of
that by Winterfylleth or Wodensthrone but with the nihilistic
attitude of Blut Aus Nord, which I guess isn't surprising when you
discover drummer Thorns is currently drumming with BaN.
'The End' took a good
few listens for me to actually get my claws dug into it, the first
few attempts it basically passed me by without making much of an
impression at all, but the longer I spent with it the more that began
to emerge. As far as this style of black metal goes it doesn't
particularly push the boat out at all, but it is decent enough for
what it is. The guitar work on show here is pretty solid, drawn out
tremolo riffing which remains diverse without ever becoming
obnoxious. I particularly like the way in which the guitar
contributes to the bleak and despondent atmosphere with the subtle
off key lead work scattered here and there, especially on “When all
is Still, There is Nothing” and “Darkness Enshrouds”, the stand
out track on 'The End'. The vocals are powerful and delivered with
menace and intent even if suffering a bit from lack of range and
The biggest roadblock
with 'The End' though is it's length, it's just so long it's
absolutely exhausting to get through, over an hour in total, and with
that a lot of the tracks just tend to overstay their welcome and
spiral into a meandering monotony that has you reaching for the skip
button. Which is unfortunate as there are a lot of great passages
buried within this release, it's just you have to sift through all
the dreariness to find them.
Certainly recommended
if foreboding atmospheric black metal with a desolate and dystopian
edge is your thing, there's a lot out there worse than this. Still
though, as good as it is though at times there is a large room for
improvement, especially on the quality control side of things. Too
much filler in-between.
If you like - Mid Blut Aus Nord era, Winterfylleth, Wodensthrone
Originally written for
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