Genre - Melodeath/Black Metal
11. Outro
is the latest effort from German band KAIN, and with it they continue to
deliver their brand of melodic Black/Death Metal which while certainly well
produced and performed, is a bit lacklustre in terms of quality. It’s not bad
per se, but has all the hallmarks of a band who sound as if they’re going
through the motions and a little lacking in the inspiration department. Certainly
if you were to take the exterior, uninspiring band name along with similarly
lazy album name and the dull cover, the warning signs are there.
music itself lies somewhere among the hazy boundaries of DIMMU BORGIR, ‘Nemesis
Divina’ era SATYRICON and DISSECTION with a heavier focus on the Melo Death
side of things; it does sound like a mouth watering combination of acts, but
somehow KAIN manages to extract all traces of energy, venom and general talent from
the aforementioned bands and dump it aside while the rest is amassed together under
the guise “Omega”.
stated, it’s well performed there’s no doubt about that and there are a couple
of passages that arise throughout which give a glimpse into what the band may
be capable of, but it’s just bogged down in what seems like an eternal stream
of filler. “Blutgericht” is remarkably good, showcasing the band flirting with
a more Pagan oriented direction and actually has a bit of grit and direction to
it with some great riffing, but unfortunately it’s really the only song on the
whole album which stands out; play me any other song back and I’d struggle to pin
a name to it, and in this cut throat world of Extreme Metal these days that
level of quality just won’t get you far at all.
riffing is hackneyed and thoroughly flat, the vocals one dimensional and devoid
of any power or character while the song arrangements are again, pedestrian. “Omega”
isn’t completely worthless, but it’s not anything I’d ever have an urge to listen
to again. Listening to it was nothing but laborious and it seems if KAIN are to
present any perceivable threat in the future they’re going to need to tap
at that vein of inspiration a little
harder next time. Borefest.
Originally written for Metal Observer
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